Wednesday, July 31, 2013

3 years married | 8 years together

today we celebrate our third anniversary together as husband and wife. this inspired me to 1. go through old wedding photos that i still haven't framed or turned into a book yet and 2. let madison try on my wedding dress. she was so excited to wear the dress, veil & even high heeled shoes. it was such an adorable moment. she said to me "mama, someday when i grow up- can i wear your dress and veil at my wedding" it melted me. 
anyways, i know i shared photos on our two year anniversary last year so i am sorry if any of these are repeats but i wanted to share just a few more of my favorites from one of the happiest days of my life...the day i become mrs. starkey. i am so lucky to have such a wonderful and caring husband. i could go on...and on...and on- but i won't. i will simply say i love you matt and happy three years


  1. That is so sweet. Happy Anniversary!

  2. Aww - so sweet. What a great day your wedding was. Happy Anniversary!

  3. Happy Anniversary!!
    I found you via pinterest - I shared your free printables on my blog and linked back to you. They are beautiful!! x
